Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Uploading AncestryDNA data to

The procedure I followed is:

A.  Get your DNA data from
1.  Log on to the account used to obtain the DNA test.  It might not be your own account; it is the account the test was "run on."  For example, the test was run on my father, not me, so I have to log on to my father's account.
2.  Click on Download Raw Data.  An email will be sent to the registered account, which may not be your email account.  Go to that account for the message that was sent.
3.  Click on the green button.  Better yet, right click and copy the link.  Paste the link into the browser and make sure the link is what you expect. (Avoid phishing emails.)
4.  Log on to the account associated with the DNA test; eg, my father's account.
5.  Click on the button to download the data.  It will be a large Zip file; eg, 6 MB.
B. Get your GEDmatch account.
1. On the page, click the HERE in "Not Registered, click HERE."  This is the link for that:  Fill in the info.  An email will be sent to the email address you used to register with a confirmation code.
2.  Go back to the site and enter that code.  You will be in.
C.  Upload your AncestryDNA data
On the page that is presented, find, under the box labeled File Uploads, click on
3.  The new page will ask for the Name of the Donor.  It will also ask for your Mitochondrial haplogroup (if known) and your Y haplogroup (if known).
4.  There is a button at the bottom of the page "Choose file".  The file you choose should be the unzipped file you extracted from the large Zip file you downloaded from ancestry.  The name of the file should be ancestryDNA.txt.  It will be huge.
5.  Click the "Upload" button.  A message will display "yada yada THIS PROCESS TAKES SEVERAL MINUTES yada yada".  Other than that nothing shows, except if you have your browser's status line displayed.  In that case you will see a % upload message at the bottom of the browser.  This isn't a very good design.  It should show a progress bar or something and throw up a busy icon.  It doesn't.
6.  After a long while- maybe 10 minutes- a new page will display without you doing anything.  This is the page that has a Processing Chromosomes.  Please wait message at the bottom.  At least you know something is happening now.  This will go on for 20-30 minutes, until 36 or 37 chromosomes have been processed.  I got an error after 30 minutes and 8 chromosomes, so I had to start again.  Will report results in a later blog.  The error was "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete the request.  Please contact the server administrator at [no address given] to inform them of the time this error occurred and the actions you performed just before the error."  

I let the restart run overnight and this time it finished.  There were 22 chromosomes found plus X and YX.  It gave me a kit number.  At the bottom it said " Tokenizing generally takes a few minutes after uploading. After that time, this file should be available for one-to-one comparisons. Batch processing generally takes 1-2 days. After that, this kit should be available for the one-to-many report."

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